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fleche.gif  -  by webmaster

Club day pictures



Published on 11/01/2016 22:19  - none comment -
Happy new year 2016  -  by webmaster

relief archers

Picture taken by Clara (club of Longjumeau). It shows  assyrian archers,  relief is in the British Museum, London.

Published on 06/01/2016 15:32  - none comment -
A day in Menucourt (near Paris)  -  by webmaster

Jean Philippe and Sigrun went to the general assembly of the FFTL november 7th 2015 in Menucourt. The best part of the day was the small competion in the afternoon.

We also met Clive you just came back from a IFAA instruction course. He told us about the website ksl archery.

The notes we took during the assembly are only available in French (in the french download part of our website (téléchargements).

Published on 10/11/2015 19:28  - none comment -
Pictures of the club competition  -  by webmaster

Some pictures of the competion in Javerlhac, september 2015

Published on 03/10/2015 13:12  - none comment -
Pictures, competition in St Mathieu  -  by webmaster

Some pictures from the competition in Saint Mathieu the 26th july.

The results can be consulted in "Downloads --> competition results".


Published on 17/08/2015 18:46  - none comment -
Hommage to Jean Pierre Coudert by Rako  -  by webmaster


Texte et image Christophe Rakowski


Photos Sigrun

Published on 27/07/2015 21:15  - none comment -
Competition 26th July near St Mathieu, Haute-Vienne  -  by webmaster

Concours_juillet_2015 St Mathieu

Published on 11/07/2015 01:05  - none comment -